Dated: March 23, 2000.
The following are some very nice scans from Mr. Pablo Cicero of California. His comments follow:
"At the beginning the fact of decapitating my toy soldiers was horrendous, but after visiting your site I realized the possibilities. The hardest guillotining was the first, and then, it was the whole torso, then an arm, etc."
A French cuirassier trumpeter, lower body Prussian cuirassier, torso British
colonial trumpeter, helmet, French Dragoon.
A French chasseur, body of a dragoon and busby of a chasseur.
A Russian dragoon with a cape that started life as a WW-II Cossack (no
machine gun).
A Napoles King's orderly.
Mexican-American War figures:
A coracero de Tulancingo, (paint conversion).
Mexican-American War figures:
An irregular Californio, French lancer with Cordobes hat.
Mexican-American War figures:
A dragoon from US, Scots Grey with a plane wheel as forage cap.
And some early 1900s (there is a total lack of cavalry figures with tunics,
later 1800s up to WW-II)
An Austrian dragoon, ACW with lancer helmet.
Early 1900s :
A Dragoon/Uhlan, lower ACW, upper lancer.
Early 1900s :
A colonial trooper, ACW with colonial helmet
A French Dragoon, lower body, arm and helmet, napoleonic French dragoon,
torso, colonial.
Many thanks to Mr. Pablo Cicero for his interesting conversions. They are very nice indeed.
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