Dated: March 26, 2000.
The following are more conversions, of Barbarians, sent in by Mr. Filippo Pratelli of Italy:
"I have tried to give them different dresses and equipment according with the sources in my possess. Dacians, for example, wear cloaks, Phrigian helmets and some of them, bare chested, fought with the curved blade called 'falx'. The figures are Hat Celtic cav., Airfix (Hat reissues) British and Robin Hood, Esci Barbarians; I have used Italeri Prussians for the legs of some cavalry, Esci Roman and Atlantic Greek 'chest-armoured' in two of mine 'German nobles'. Shields are from Esci Barb. and cloaks are pieces of tissue. "
"Barbarian archers" - ESCI.
"British nobles" - Revell plus 3 Airfix.
"Celtic cavalry" - 3 HäT plus ESCI conversion.
"Celtic skirmishers" - Airfix.
"Celts" - Airfix, ESCI, Airfix.
"Dacian falxman" - ESCI, Airfix.
"Dacian nobles from the back"
"Dacian nobles from the front"
"Dacian warriors"
"German cavalry"
"German nobles"
Many thanks to Mr. Filippo Pratelli of Italy for his interesting conversions.
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