Dated: September 19, updated Novembe 8, 2005
Box Art
Test sprue
This test sprue was done without any coloring agent, i.e. this is what the virgin plastic looks like. There are 28 infantry with 60 assorted shields, and 16 archers per box. Total of 116 pcs per box. Injection pins should be twisted off the body, this way, they will come off cleanly. There are 28 long reed shields, 28 rounds reed shields and 4 long infantry shields; in addition, the small round cone shield from the Assyrian infantry set can be used with these figures. The accessories should allow the customer to field a more versatile and complete army. This set can be used as Allies/Auxiliaries or enemies of the Assyrian Infantry set.
(Note about test shots: Test shots are for testing and checking the mold. They may be mismolded or damaged and do not reflect the final product.)
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