Dated: May 17, 2005.
Circa 2500BC or thereabouts.
Spearmen of Ur. These fellas were of the school of thought that protection was best worn. They wore armored/studded capes and wielded two handed spears.
Spearmen of Lugash. These fellas were of the school of thought that if you hid behind a big enough shield, nothing could hit ya. As can be seen here, above and below, studs and sheepskin were a huge contemporary fashion statement.
Nim skirmisher
Gutian skirmisher.
Call 'em what you will: psiloi, velites, voltigeurs, jaegers, scouts, light infantry, or cornerbacks - lightly armed and fast moving men have been around since day one. More than likely, they won't kill you, but what doesn't kill you won't make you any stronger either.
Slinger. Stones and their big brother rocks have been enemies of the human skull since time immemorial, and still in use today. It's such a clean and simple design that it has never been bested. After all, what is a rocket or a cruise missile but a bigger exploding rock with propellent?
Archer. Shoots a composite bow. Double curved and a great improvement over the earlier simple bows.
Guardsman. Call 'em what you will: Imperial Guard, Grenadiers, Household cavalry, Praetorians, Companions, Immortals, Lifeguards, they're always needed because someone is always after you when you're on top.
Ha, hmm, a HaT classic. Multipurpose standard bearer, regular guardsman or leader when equipped with combination standard, spear, throw stick or sickle sword. Just a cheapo compromise, or our unspoken commentary that strip away all the accoutrements and all men are just the same?
*Editor's note: What is interesting is that even at this early date all the elements needed for the exercising of good generalship are already there. You have your basic line infantry, your light infantry, missile troops, guards and shock troops (chariots). All the same elements to be found in future wars and armies regardless of weapons. No doubt the same military tactics would be in play, it also means that if you popped good ol' King Eannatum down anywhere during the Napoleonic Wars or WWII he would have been equally at home.
There has been some silly talk that the rock is not the baddest of weapons, look 'ere:
1) Deadly in hands of both novices and highly skilled troops.
2) Comes in variety of sizes to fit different sized hands.
3) Free and no munitions factory to be bombed or sabotaged.
4) With every other weapon there's always something, like making sure you piece a vital organ or remembering to take the safety off. Distilled to it's most fundamental essence, it comes down to "Is your head harder than my rock?" Is it?
5) It's cousin the boulder can take down stone walls, it's grand daddy the meteorite wiped out all the dinosaurs on Earth. End of story.
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