Dated: April 22, 2001.
By Ted Schulz (USA)
"The 2nd and 3rd walls of Carthage are based on Osprey's Men-At-Arms series #121, p.6.
A cohort of Republican Romans are attacking the 3rd wall of Carthage (1st and 2nd walls have been overrun). The Roman Triari and Principes are in the process of forming up their maniples (Hastati and Velites are in formation).
The Carthaginians are scrambling to defend. The Liby-Phoenicians and African light infantry are forming phalanxes in the middle and on the left flank. There's a unit of mercenary Greek hoplites forming on their
right flank. Carthaginian skirmishers include Numidians, Balearic slingers, and a few Celts. Both sides are forming cavalry units on their flanks."
Many thanks to Mr. Schulz for sending in this contribution.
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