Dated: May 12, 2002.
A contribution from Mr. Alex Witt (Canada).
"I've painted toy soldiers for the last 4 years in really small quantities. I also have really enjoyed seeing other modeler's soldiers on the HaT site. I've photographed a few of my soldiers in which are attached to this and the following email. I paint mostly Napoleonic Era toy soldiers. I appreciate the painting guides by the way, to get the little details right too."
A French cannon and artillery men, the Esci set.
Hat's Bavarian Infantry.
British Lifeguards from Revell - Inspired by Sharpe's Waterloo.
Some British officers from two Revell sets.
Brunswick Avant Guard, the first Hat soldiers I painted.
Upcoming soldiers I've nearly finished will include French Horse Grenadiers, Young Guard and Britsh artillery and rocket troops.
Many thanks to Mr. Alex Witt for sending in this contribution. (If anyone wants to email Mr. Witt, please put subject=toy soldiers.)
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