Dated: Sept 12, 2002.
From André Ceulemans of Belgium.
"I send you some pictures of my Brunswicker army for the "Quatre bras battle" It was with the whole army of the duchy just before the Duke died...
It is done following a French rule of games : DBN or "de Bonaparte à Napoléon" (issue fo the Vae Victis library)
Hussar were all conversions: I take head from the Hat Brunswicker Leib bataillons and glue it on hussar body like those of Hat Belgian/Dutch hussars or on people of the Italeri French Horse Artillery. This item give us also the limber and cannon. The Italeri wagon is also take for with an additional head of the Hat Leib. Line bataillons of Brunswick army were done with Leib but the hat was half cut. Painting give us the linemen.
For the Uhlans, I have take Lancer from Esci (coming now back in the Italeri items.)
Duke was a Heller prussian Horse officer."
Webmaster's notes follow:
Seen above are the entire Brunswick corps.
Starting from the left, here are the foot artillery. The figures are Hat #8007 Prussian artillery conversions.
The fellows on the left appears to be the regiments of the light infantry as the plumes look like yellow over blue (rubs eyes). They are conversions of Hat #8026 Brunswick Leib with their horse hair plumes whittled down to small plumes. The fellows on the right are just Hat #8026 Brunswick Leib.
I would hazard a guess that the dudes on the left are the line infantry regiments since the other guys are the light battalions. And the fellows on the right would be the Avantgarde.
The horse artillery.
Supply wagon.
The other Dook.
Many thanks to Mr. Ceulemans. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized or commerical use of content or images are violations of applicable laws and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any trademark usage or proprietary images on this page are only for the purposes of review or such, and is considered fair dealing and permissible under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988 (UK). Copyright 2002.