Dated: July 11, 2008.
Gaming at Bovington Tank Museum in Dorset, UK over the 4th July weekend.
The approach that we decided to take was very minimalist - Armourfast Tanks, terrain tiles & a few low hills. The reason behind this was that we wanted to show the general public who would be visiting the show...
a) how inexpensive wargaming can be if you choose the right things (we explained that we could have used a green cloth instead of tiles)
b) how simple games can be & lots of fun had with just a few tanks
c) that you don't need huge armies & lots of scenery to get started
As you can see from the photos, we had plenty of people playing & interested in the game... including mums & children who'd never played before, a parent/child from Spain, friends from Holland playing against each other, some Russians & a Kiwi from the Forum who we also ate & drank with in the evening!
We'll be repeating the game this coming weekend at the Army in York Open Day at Imphal Barracks, so expect to see some more happy faces!!
Colin Foster
Many thanks to Mr. Foster
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