Dated: July 18, 2008.
The show is the annual "Army in Yorkshire Festival" event where 15 Brigade open their doors to the public. We were invited for the 60th Anniversary of Kohima event & have been asked back each year ever since; quite an honour.
Unfortunately, as you'll see from the photos, the day started extremely wet & we're based in a tent! But it soon brightened up & we had a steady flow of players (mainly youngsters) for our game; we managed to complete 13 games in the day which left us exhausted! Each person on the winning side who's tank was left alive was given an Armourfast kit as a prize.
Again, we ran our "back to basics game, 'though with scatter made into large clumps as a change to the hills (sounds better than "I forgot to take the hills so we had to make do with scatter"!!)
I think that the kid's expressions say it all & we even had a group of disabled youngsters playing with their two carers having a good laugh (& a well earned break).
Hope that you enjoy them.
Colin Foster
Many thanks to Mr. Foster
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