Dated: March 31, 2008
This is the Chinese Boxer Rebellion's Peking (Peitang) Cathedral. For 55 Days, French and Italian Sailors protected over 3000 Catholics here. Among them were Priests, Nuns, and Chinese Converts; men, women and children alike. For a picture of the real Facade (front), see Osprey Campaign 85 - "Peking 1900" p. 52.
This conversion resembles it in that it has 4 high bell-towers and a cross, with Chinese-style buildings on both ends. It was made from Giant of Hong Kong reissue Knight's Castle (made in a nice blue stone color) and BUM HO scale Churches (6). I cut off the bell towers from 4 of the churches and pegged them to the Facade. I did not put triangular points between the towers because I wanted soldiers to be able to fire over the front wall from between the towers. I also hand made Chinese-style roof pieces from the left over sprews to put on the highest points of each roof. The roofs already have 2 pegs to hold on the final roof-tile piece so it was already easy. The last 2 Churches are factory original and just set inside the walls.
By Dave Hennen
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