Dated: May 8, 2008
In order to build my armies for Texas and Mexico from 1835 - 1846, I've used head swops (Swoppet style) to create the following: The grey color straw hats are the accessory 'Tiger Zouaves' heads from HaT's fine ACW Zouave set. In image (1) The Common Soldier of Texas with short jacket and straw hat, (2) The New Orleans Greys with forage cap, and (3) The Galveston Coast Guard in red with straw hats. In (4) - (5) is the Giant of Hong Kong Napoleonic drummer in original shako, then Mexican Presidio Round Hat and finally a Bicorne. You can see the pin-vise (hand twist drill) I use. In (5) are the Giant of Hong Kong Napoleonic set all swopped with Presideo Hats for Santa Ana's Battle of the Alamo. If anyone has any questions, I'll be happy to explain details on HaT's forum.
By Dave Hennen
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