Dated: March 25, 2008.
Here is a conversion I have been considering for sometime. I converted a HAT M4 into a M4A2 Mid production vehicle. The filler caps closest to the turret should be straight, so its not perfect but close enough. I cut the rear engine deck cover out and cut off the back end of a M4. Then I used some styrene and the engine deck from a HAT M-10. Added some front armor. Painted and weathered, I still have a few more shades to tone it down and some tools and stowage to add. But an easy conversion for one of the most common Lend Lease Sherman versions along with the M4A4 (Sherman Mk V). This one will eventually serve with the French in Normandy.
Doug Iovinelli
M4A2 Conversion
Many thanks to Mr Iovinelli.
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