Dated: March 3, 2008.
Here's something a little different from the awe-inspiring images that are normally displayed on ETS. Below are some photos of the HäT figures I used to convert the boardgame Command & Colors: Ancients from blocks to miniatures. As I mostly play the game with my boys, I wanted army uniformity and quick unit recognition.
HäT 8058 Carthaginian Allies: Light Infantry, Warrior Infantry
HäT 7011 Ancient Britons: Light Bow
HäT 8019 Hannibal's Carthaginians - Spanish Infantry: Light Sling, Auxilia, Medium Infantry
HäT 8020 Hannibal's Carthaginians - African Infantry: Heavy Infantry
HäT 8024 Numidian Cavalry: Light Cavalry
HäT 8055 Spanish Cavalry: Medium Cavalry
HäT 8056 Carthaginian Command and Cavalry: Heavy Cavalry, Leaders
HäT 8023 War Elephants: Elephants
HäT 8018 Republican Romans Hastati & Velites: Light Infantry, Auxilia
HäT 8035 Roman Catapults: Light Infantry, Auxilia
HäT 8074 Imperial Roman Auxiliaries: Light Bow, Light Sling, Warrior Infantry
HäT 8017 Republican Romans Princeps & Triari: Medium Infantry, Heavy Infantry
HäT 8035 Roman Catapults: War Machines
HäT 8054 Italian Ally Cavalry: Light Cavalry
HäT 8021 Roman Cavalry: Medium Cavalry
HäT 8051 Roman Command: Heavy Cavalry, Leaders
While not nearly as appealing as fully painted miniatures, the figures have kept my kids interest in the game high and have managed to hook a few neighbors into playing. I'm currently working on converting to miniatures the Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms expansion of this game. Have pretty much everything covered except for Indian chariots and command.
For a complete overview of the game conversion process, including what figures I used and how many, please see:
BGG Article
Eric Neszpaul
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