Dated: May 11, 2008.
The following show the pictures of my DBA II-11 GALLIC ARMY: It has most options and includes the following, units in brackets were left out,
1 x 4Wb-Gen (or 3Wb or LCh)
2 x LCh or 3Cv
8 x 3Wb
1 x 2Ps
1 x CF
All figures are HäT, from:
Gallic Warband
Celtic Command
Celtic Cavalry
Celtic Chariots
Celtic Chariots with Queen
Hannibals Carthaginian Allies (the two naked/half naked warriors)
Hope you enjoy,
Greetings from Germany,
Reinhard Sabel
Gallic DBA Army
The Army Arrayed
Warband general element
Two light chariots
The Cavalry (2 x 3Cv)
The warband
The skirmishers
Camp followers, the Druids
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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