Dated July 27, 2008.
Anzac Conversions
Sander van Straeten
The Netherlands
These Anzac conversions are as follows: 3 separate infantry figures converted to trench raiders in woollen caps. The one with the shotgun has a belt with cartridges added in greenstuff and the kneeling shooting pose has an extra ammo bandolier added.
Then there are two stands of prone figures. One is a Lewis gunner combo for which I added extra ammo drums in a carrying case for the loader. The other pair is a "arty spotter" base. In the The Great War rules you can add spotters to your artillery to make them more effective and I wanted those to distinctly differ from the hmg/arty crew members with binoculars so I glued a prone one done next to a loader figure without the ammo drum.
The last two stands are HMG's obviously and the thing is that I used the loaders of both the American and the Canadian set to make them different. To some of the mentioned figures I added an helmet cover from greenstuff.
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