Dated: February 27, 2008.
French elites in 1805
With best regards from Slovakia.
Peter Styk
French elites in 1805
Grenadiers were the pick of the big men (standing at least 5 feet 9 inches in height) of their regiments, chosen for valor and reliability. Grenadiers were the only infantrymen permitted at this time to have moustasches. Their special insignia was the flame grenade.
Voltigeurs were the pick of the regimentīs small soldiers - maximum height for enlisted men was approximantely 5 feet 3 inces, officers could be 1 inch taller. They were strong, active soldiers, able to march at the trot and shoot rapidly and accurately. They ranked next to the grenadiers as elite troops. Their original official distinction was simply a buff collar, but this soon unofficially became bright yellow. Voltigeurs rapidly assumed all the prerogatives of elite troops - briguets, epaulets and moustaches - and wore them with a swagger.
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