Dated: November 13, 2008.
Please find enclosed the cover and one illustration of my book regarding the Dutch-Belgian Cavalry at Waterloo. The book describes in detail the actions by the Dutch and Belgian cavalry regiments during the Waterloo campaign. It also contains numerous illustrations, maps and pictures of the battlefields as well as uniform paintings in colour of the field and parade dress of each regiment. Now that HAT is going to produce the carabineers in the not too distant future, I thought it might be nice to show the field dress of the third carabineers for all those buffs who can't wait to paint them.
For more information please take a look at the website:, where a link is provided to the Belgian publisher "De Cavalerie" who manages sales and distribution. It that one doesn't function, then please contact them at:
Thank you very much for your interest.
André Dellevoet
The Netherlands
Many thanks to Mr. Dellevoet.
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