Dated: October 25, 2008.
I've attached some photos of reenacting the battle of Pakozd. It is a village next to lake Balaton. This was the first battle in the Hungarian war of Independence in 29th September 1848. The Austrian Kaiser sent the army of Joseph Jelacic (baron of Croatia) against of the Hungarian Government. In Hungary, an own army was created quickly from militia and from the Hungarian infantry and Hussar regiments of the Austrian Empire. It was an easy winning without close combat. The army of Joseph Jelacic retreated quickly because they didn't wait contra attack of an organised army.
On the photos, you can see Honved regiments too, however they were created only after of this battle.
Best regards,
Krisztian Takacs
1st Szekely Grenzer
5th Radetzky Hussars
Honved vadasz
IR32 and IR62
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