Dated: October 8, 2008.
Attached is a picture of something weird that nobody I know does in 1/72. This is a scratchbuild British "trench catapult" and was made to throw grenades and other explosives against enemy trenches. The picture isn't great, however shows how such anachronic device was made, almost ressembling weapons made by Greeks more than 2.000 years ago. There is another similar device I saw being handled by Portuguese troops to be used as a rocket launch platform. This platform was used to fire signal rockets to warn troops about
gas attacks and was made of two triangles, side by side, united by wood bars. I guess that these are not to be included in the heavy weapons set, but maybe in the future somebody may find them interesting enough to be part of a new set.
Mr. Nuno M. Cabeçadas
British Trench Catapult
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