Date: October 02, 2011
AD 1063, Spain, Sancho Ramirez,king of Aragon to take the oath of feudal fidelity to Pope Alexander II. The Pope, grateful, proclaimed the crusade against the Muslims in Spain. These was the crusade of Barbastro. In the pictures, King Sancho Ramirez, going out from Jaca citadel with his entourage of men-at-arms metting with the delegate papal, a mercenary norman knight called Robert Crispin.
I made use of various old Hat Gothic figures, even a latest Roman cornicen, because I imagine the Spanish dark-age as a period hard-boiled, far from the hollywood topics...
Standards and banners are hand-made, semi-fictional...
Cheers,Saludos para todos.
Hola : En el año del señor de 1063,Sancho Ramirez,rey de Aragon, presto juramento de fidelidad al Papa,Alejandro II. Agradecido el Papa proclamo un cruzada contra los musulmanes de España.
Hoy en dia este llamamiento al guerra santa es conocido como "La Cruzada de Barbastro".
En las imagenes,Sancho Ramirez,rodeado de sus hombres de armas,sale de su ciudadela de Jaca al encuentro el enviado papal,un caballero normando llamado Robert Crispin...
Saludos paran todos.
Juan Carlos Pascual
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