Dated: April 5th, 2005.
These 2 new Republican Roman figures continue our series of "The Soldiers of the Punic Wars". These were the Roman soldiers who fought against the legendary Carthaginian General Hannibal in the Punic Wars under the Roman Republic.
32005 - Republican Roman Hastatus with pilum.
The Hastati were the first line of infantry of the main body. These were young and fit men who could only afford and wore the simplest of armor. They were armed with 2 pila. They would run up, throw their pila and then engage the enemy with swords. If the Hastati failed to break the enemy they would retire and the second line of fresh infantry would attack.
32006 - Republican Roman Triarius with spear. The Triari were the last line of infantry of the main body. These were the veterans, men who had families, heads of households, mature men, men who had experience. They were the best armored and armed with spears. Should the first or second line fail to break the enemy, the Triari would engage; it was a rare occurance as the first 2 lines were usually enough to dispatch the enemy. The Romans even had a saying "Res ad triarios rediit" ("It has come down to the Triari") meaning it was serious business.
Our painted white metal figures are now packaged in these attractive boxes.
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