8000 series (1/72) - Industrial Age

All figures come unpainted and on sprues. These figures pose a choking hazard for children under 3 years of age due to small parts. Children 4-12 use under adult supervision only. All products subject to availability.

American Civil War

8004 American Civil War Zouaves
8319 ACW Marching infantry (1)
8320 ACW Command
8332 ACW Marching infantry (2)
8333 ACW Infantry Sampler
83xx DIY ACW kit*

Victorian Era

8179 Gatling Gun and Crew
8180 Gardner Gun and Crew
8181 British 17th Lancers
8182 Natal Native Horse
8191 Married Zulu Warriors
8192 Natal Native Contingent
8193 Egyptian Camelry
8194 British Camel Corps
8202 Colonial Highlanders
8203 Colonial War Indians

Victorian era cont.

8206 Frontier Light Horse
8207 Baggage Camels*
8208 Hadendowah Camelry
8209 British Mounted Infantry
8210 Colonial Artillery
8237 Zulu War British Infantry
8250 Taaishi Camelry
8271 Dervish Warriors
8286 Colonial Ox Wagon
8287 Colonial General Service Wagon
8288 Colonial British Dragoons
8289 Colonial Bengal Lancers
8299 Zulu British Infantry Command
8316 Unmarried Zulu Warriors

* Future items. All future items subject
to change.

8004 American Civil War Zouaves.
48 infantry with several extra heads and backpacks for potential conversions.
Box info and figures
Painted figures
Painted figs
Painted figure
Painted figures
Nyasaland Sikhs
8179 Gatling Gun and Crew Masters
Box and test sprue
Gun and crew
Painted test sprue
Painted test sprue
Painted test sprue
Painted test sprue
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
US Gatling
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
8180 Gardner Gun and Crew Unfinished Masters
Box and test sprue
Gun and crew
Painted test sprue
Painted test figs
Painted test sprue
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Royal Navy figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Naval Brigade Camels
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Naval Rocket Brigade
Painted figures
8181 British 17th Lancers Box and test shot
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
8182 Natal Native Horse Box and test shot
Unfinished Masters
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
8191 Zulu Warriors Box and test sprue
Painted test figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figs
Painted figs
8192 Natal Native Contingent Box and test sprue
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
8193 Egyptian Camelry Box and test shots
Painted test shots
Painted test shots
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Ancient camels
Winter Dress
Painted figs
WWI A-H Camel Troops
Painted figures
8194 British Camel Corps Box and test shots
Painted test shots
Painted test shots
Painted figures
Painted test shots
Le Régiment des Dromadaires
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
8202 Colonial War Highlanders Box and test sprue
Painted test figs
Black Watch
Painted test figs
Painted test sprue
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figure
Painted figure
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Gordon Command
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
8203 Colonial War Indian Infantry Box and test sprue
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures
45th Sikhs
3rd Sikhs
15th Sikhs
Painted figures
Painted figures
Head Dresses
3rd Sikhs
Painted figs
15th Sikhs
7th Bengals
Painted figs
Painted figs
Bengal Lancers
Nyasaland Sikhs
8206 Frontier Light Horse Box and test shot
Painted test figs
Painted test figures
Painted test figures
Painted figs
Painted figs
8207 Baggage Camels
8208 Hadendowah Camelry Box art and test shot
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
8209 Zulu Wars: British Mounted Infantry Box and test shot
Painted test shots
Painted test figs
Natal Mounted Police
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted fig
Bengal Lancer Conv.
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Natal Mounted Police
Painted figures
8210 Colonial Wars: British Artillery Box and test shot
Test figures
Painted test shot
Painted test figs
Painted figures
Spanish Artillery
Egyptian Artillery
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figs
Spanish Conversion
8237 Zulu Wars: British Infantry Box and test shots
Preliminary masters
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figure
Painted figure
8250 Taaishi Camelry Box art and test shot
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figs
8271 Dervish Warriors Box and test shot
Painted test figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
Painted figs
Painted figs
Painted figures
8286 Colonial Ox Wagon Box and test shot
Painted prototype
Painted test shots
8287 Colonial General Service Wagon Box and test shot
Painted prototype
Painted test shots
8288 Colonial British Dragoons Box and test shot
Painted test shots
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
8289 Colonial Bengal Lancers Box and test shot
Painted test shots
Painted figs
8299 Zulu British Infantry Command Box and test shots
Preliminary masters
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted test figs
Painted figures
Painted figures
8316 Unmarried Zulu Warriors Box and test shot
Painted test and bonus figures
8319 American Civil War Marching (1) Box and test shots
Painted mock-ups
Painted test shots
Painted test shots
Painted test shots
Painted figures
8320 American Civil War Command Box and test shots
Painted mock-ups
Painted test shots
Painted testshots
Painted testshots
8332 American Civil War Marching (2) Box and test shots
Painted test shots
Painted testshots
Painted figures
8333 American Civil War Sampler Box
Painted testshots
Painted testshots
Painted testshots

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